Octopi Communications Limited is looking for Strategic Planning

Octopi Communications Limited is looking for few Experienced individuals for Strategic Planning Department.
Position: Executive/Sr. Executive/Asst. Manager - Strategic Planning, (BTL Team)

Please send your CV with subject line “Mentioned Position” to ali.zaber@octopi.com.bdLast date of Application: 15th April, 2019.

Job Description / Responsibility:
• Preparing presentations for new/existing clients
• Planning of campaigns along with required plan for the presence on digital media
• Assisting seniors for developing pitch plans
• Staying up to date with current trend and world affairs, 
• Receive and understand brief(s) from client(s)/ account management and/ or supervisor
• Design questionnaire / discussion guide for quantitative/ qualitative research respectively
• Conduct Online research
• Go to Field visit i.e. Market visit/ household visit/ factory visit
• Conduct Visual research
• Developing and deliver presentations to clients
• Assisting in developing strategies and brand campaigns for assigned clients
• Proactively seeking feedback and participating in training programs.
• Keeping track of work and schedules

Educational Requirements: BBA/ MBA/ Master’s degree from any reputed institution
Experience Requirements: 1 to 4 year(s)

The applicants should have experience in the following business area(s): Advertising Agency

Additional Job Requirements:
• Good analytical and problem-solving capability
• Team player
• Ability to read and understand different types of brandbook reports e.g. sales reports, consumer trend reports etc.
• Understanding of core human motivations and values
• Very well skilled in both verbal and oral communication
• Ability to work under pressure maintaining strict deadlines
• Time management skill
• Proficient in MS Office application suite, especially in PowerPoint and excel

Salary Range: Negotiable

Other Benefits: As per company policy.

Job Location: Dhaka

Office Hour: 10:00am to 7:00pm

Business Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/OctopiAct/

Disclaimers : jobcirculars ডাইরেক্টলি চাকরি দেয়না। এটা বাংলাদেশের সকল জব সার্কুলারগুলো আপনার সামনে নিয়ে আসে। অতঃপর, সেই সার্কুলার অনুসারে, আপনার যোগ্যতা অনুযায়ি, আপনাকে নিজেই আবেদন করতে হবে। চাকরি পাওয়ার ব্যপারে এই ওয়েবসাইট কোন প্রকার সহযোগিতা করেনা, করবেওনা । মনে রাখবেন - jobcirculars is one of the top job listing website in Bangladesh.
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