Utshob Group is looking for some talented Telemarketing Executives

Post: Telemarketing Executive
Company Name: UTSHOB GROUP
Website: www.utshobgroup.com
Vacancy: 05

Job Context:
Utshob Group is looking for some talented “Telemarketing Executives” for its international operation. The successful candidate will be comfortable speaking on the phone with our honorable clients each day to discuss our product and services. We are seeking experienced telemarketers to bring out the best.

Please be informed that duty time will be 12 am to 8 am (Male Only)

Job Responsibilities:
Have to manage a large number of outbound calls to USA/ Canada/Australia customers in a timely manner.
Listen and understand the customer’s complaint and have to provide suitable solutions to customers.
Contact businesses or private individuals by telephone in order to solicit sales for goods or services.
Maintain records of contacts, accounts, and orders.
Receiving customers enquirers, selling services/ products over the telephone as per the instruction provided.
Receiving customer complaint and forwarding the complaint to the concerned department.
Identify customers' needs, clarify information, research every issue and provide solutions and/or alternatives.
Excellent communication skills with customers, with a specific focus on sales & marketing.
Keep records of all conversations in our database in a comprehensible way.
Any other responsibilities/tasks as set by company management

Employment Status:
Educational Requirements:
Bachelor degree in any discipline
A Level.

Experience Requirements
1 to 3 year(s
The applicants should have experience in the following area(s):
Tele Marketing, Customer Support through Phone,

Additional Requirement
Age 20 to 30 years
Only males are allowed to apply.
Computer Knowledge

Job Location
Shyamoli, Dhaka

BDT 10,000/= to 15,000/=

Compensation & other benefits
T/A, Mobile bill, Provident fund
Salary Review: Yearly
Festival Bonus: 2 (Yearly)
Job Nature: Full-time

Read Before Apply:

Interested applicants are requested to send their resume to hr@utshob.com including the name of the post in the subject line by 25th April 2019.

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