Ideadose Communications searching Executive & Sr. Executive


Company: Ideadose Communications (Advertising Agency)
Position: Executive & Sr. Executive, Brand Communications
Department: Client Service & Business Development
Office Location: Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka
Office Hours: 10 am to 7 pm (Saturday to Thursday)
Total Vacancy: 3 (Full Time)
Salary: BDT 15,000 to 20,000 for Executive and BDT 20,000 to 30,000 for Sr. Executive (depends on skills and experience)
Experience: 1 year in advertising agency preferred (Freshers can apply for executive position)

Major Job Responsibilities:
• Maintain client relations and prepare campaign proposals, presentations and reports.
• Planning and searching for new business opportunities.
• Manage the activities and deliveries of clients.
• Plan for marketing and promotional activities for different clients.
• Delegate works to respective teams and ensure quality delivery.
• Manage execution of different tasks.

• Bachelor degree or equivalent in any field from any reputed university.
• Excellent communication and negotiation skills.
• Ability to manage multiple task and deliver tasks within deadline.
• Fluent in Bangla and English (both speaking and writing)
• Computer proficiency in MS Office, with excellent knowledge of Microsoft Word, Power Point and Excel.
• Expert in preparing reports, proposals and presentations.

Both Males and Females are encouraged to apply
(Please do not apply if you are not ready to join immediately)

Deadline: 21 June 2019

Please send us a cover letter along with your CV at Please put email subject as ‘Application for Executive/Sr. Executive, Brand Communications'.

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