Job Opportunity at Shanta Holdings Limited
Position: Impression Executive
Department – Administration
Location – Shanta Western Tower, Tejgoan I/A, Dhaka.
Reporting to – HR Department
· Maintain and receive incoming calls and forward them to the concerned personnel.
· Attendance and leave management of permanent employees in coordination with HR
· Connect internal staffs to external bodies/organizations/companies as per need through telephones.
· Collect payment cheque from Accounts Department & deliver it supplier, vendors.
· Record all sales calls and forward them to sales department daily basis in the prescribed register.
· Record all land related calls in the register and forward them to business development department daily basis.
· Register all incoming letters/post/couriers and outgoing couriers/letters for future reference.
· Maintain register of employees going out of the office during office time.
· Preserve and register usage of non-judicial stamps and cartridges for sales/CS/legal/business development department.
· Provide support to HR department on day to day operations of Talent Acquisition and Learning and Development
· Maintain all office stationeries handed over to front desk and issue them to all office staffs as per requirement.
· Register all kinds of daily newspaper and magazines and keep them under direct supervision.
· Collect all kinds of CV of applicants after any media advertisement and handover to HR department.
· Open all official incoming letters of CEO in his absence and show it to head of HR for further immediate disposals.
· Record all visitors’ names in the register for future reference.
· Maintain conference room register and allot conference room to concern departments after getting approval from the MD and Senior Management.
· Maintain reference book
· Any other responsibilities assigned by the management for business interest.
Essential Qualifications -
· A minimum Bachelor’s Degree from any reputed University
· Only Female candidates below 28 Years of age
Requisite Skills –
· A friendly & presentable personality.
· Should be fluent in both Bangla & English.
· Salary - 25,000/- per month
· Corporate SIM and Mobile Allowance of BDT 1000/- per month
· Health Insurance
· Gratuity
Interested candidates are requested to e-mail their CV’s mentioning name of the position applied for along with a recent passport size photograph attached with the CV at
Note: Please state the position you are applying for as the subject of the e-mail and attach your CV in either doc/PDF format.
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