Company Name : Infology IT
Designation : Executive, Sales & Marketing
Vacancy : N/A.

Job Context:
We are looking for energetic, smart, dynamic, confident, self-motivated, pro-active, positive persons who will take challenge for being future leader.
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Job Responsibilities:
• Arranging meeting with clients, creates prospect clients, records meeting minutes & maintain in excel sheet, keep good Communication with clients, create sales prospects, leads generate, taking challenge, follow up clients, closing sales process positively, Set up goal, achieve goals & sales targets.
• Conceive and develop efficient and intuitive marketing strategies
• Organize and oversee advertising/communication campaigns (social media, TV etc.), exhibitions and promotional events
• Conduct market research and analysis to evaluate trends, brand awareness and competition ventures
• Initiate and control surveys to assess customer requirements and dedication
• Write copy for diverse marketing distributions (brochures, press releases, website material etc.)
• Maintain relationships with media vendors and publishers to ensure collaboration in promotional activities
• Monitor progress of campaigns using various metrics and submit reports of performance
• Collaborate with managers in preparing budgets and monitoring expenses

• Proven experience as marketing executive or similar role
• Good understanding of market research techniques, data analysis and statistics methods
• Thorough knowledge of strategic planning principles and marketing best practices
• Proficient in MS Office and marketing software (e.g. CRM)
• Familiarity with social media and web analytics (e.g. WebTrends)
• Excellent communication and people skills
• Strong organizational and time-management abilities
• Creativity and commercial awareness
• BSc/BA/BBA/BBS/MBS/MBA in marketing, business administration or relevant discipline.
• Preferable who have worked in IT Industry.

Job Location: : Dhaka

Apply Instruction:
Mail your CV to: with the subject 'CV for the post of Executive, Sales & Marketing.
Salary will be 10K to 20K & Sales Commission, based on the experience and knowledge (Negotiable).

Other Benefits:
As per company policy.
Working Days:
Working Days: Sat - Thu
Working Hour: 9AM - 6PM
Contact: 01301596949
Office Location: 3/8, 60 Feet Road, Mirpur-2, Dhaka-1216

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