Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited job 2021

Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited (SJIBL) is a leading progressive Shariah based private commercial bank having its network across the country with 132 branches with state of the art technology providing fully Online services to the customers and a team of highly motivated personnel committed to developing excellence in banking is looking for smart, young, energetic, confident, proactive and hardworking fresh post graduates  for the post of Trainee Senior Officer (TSO) to meet the growing needs of its expansion Program.

Each Trainee Senior Officer will be chosen based on written test and subsequent interviews by panel interviewers with a view to ensure that the right talent and only the best are inducted. The selected candidates will be given a comprehensive structured training program at our state of the art Training Academy, on the job training and job rotations in branches to acquaint with the different areas of the Bank that will help you to develop the skills required to excel in future responsibilities.

SJIBL is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes applications for the position of Trainee Senior Officer from candidates who fulfill the following criteria


Post Graduate from a reputed UGC approved University
having two first division/class or equivalent and no third
division/class or equivalent in academic career;
Strong communication & interpersonal skills;
Strong computer skill in MS Office;
Willing to work anywhere in the country;
Age not over 30 years as on December 31, 2020;


Successful Trainee Senior Officer shall remain on probation for a period of 1(one) year. During this period an effective on the job training will be provided. On satisfactory completion of probationary period, Trainee Senior Officer will be confirmed as Senior Officer in the regular scale of the Bank.


The selection process will be purely on merit basis;
Screening and short listing of candidates for written test;
Candidates will have to sit for competitive written test;
Successful candidates will be called for 2 (two) phases


SJIBL offers attractive compensation packages for Trainee Senior Officer. On probation, Trainee Senior Officer will receive monthly consolidated compensation of Tk.30,000/-. After successful completion of probation period, initial monthly salary package will be Tk. 41,975/- along with all other admissible benefits


Educational details as furnished by the candidates during submission of Online application will be verified with original documents at the time of viva voce of primary selected candidates and if any discrepancy is found, candidature will be canceled forthwith. The conditions that are in practice in the industry may be applicable while offering job to the selected candidates..


Candidates meet the above requirements are invited to apply Online through with a recently snapped photograph and scanned signature by January 31, 2021. No hardcopy of any application/resume will be entertained. Only short listed candidates will be allowed to sit in written examination.



Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited reserves the right to accept or reject any application without assigning any reason whatsoever at any stage of the recruitment process.

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