গ্লোবাল ইসলামী ব্যাংক ।
পদ সমূহঃ প্রবেশনারী অফিসার।
আবেদন শেষঃ ১৩/০১/২০২২ ।
Age Limit : Back dated 25 March, 2020
In the era of Globalization, no one can survive alone. Modern Technology and foreign policies have brought the people of the world very close to each other. At present, this world is a global village. Now, the communication among people is very faster than any previous time. Connectivity is very crucial in this village. So, Bangladesh cannot live alone in this fastest growing village.
Keeping all these in mind, Bangladesh Bank approved nine banks as fourth generation banks in which, three banks have the funding of Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) people. This bank is one of those three banks to materialize the dream of people having the goal to keep Bangladesh well connected with other advanced nations. It is the brainchild of 25 (twenty-five) well reputed visionary Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) people residing in different countries of the world.
After hard labor of almost three years complying with all regulatory rules and regulations, it has got the final approval on July 25, 2013 from the regulatory body to run the banking business in Bangladesh. Gradually, the mentioned brainchild of those NRBs has become the reality. At present, its Corporate Head Office and Gulshan Corporate Branch situated at Saiham Tower, 34 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan-1, Dhaka 1212, which is a great example of postmodern structure and one of the finest building in Bangladesh.
Mr. Nizam Chowdhury is the founder Chairman of this bank having a long professional experience for about 03 (three) decades in the U.S.A and other Directors are also well reputed in their own sectors of profession. These nice personalities have well defined mission and vision. Their mission is not to restrict the Bank to a particular group of people but to bring the huge unbanked people under banking. Their vision is to make the Bank truly global providing world class services throughout the world.
There is a milestone in the Bank operation that the Bank got the license as first bank amongst all fourth generation banks to operate Islamic Banking side by side of existing Conventional Banking and subsequently got approval from the Bangladesh Bank to convert the Bank from conventional to full-fledged Islami Bank to start full-fledged Islamic Banking Operations under Islamic Shariah Principles as “Global Islami Bank Limited” changing the name from “NRB Global Bank Limited”.
GiB offers a wide range of banking products and services based on islami shariah principles to corporate, SME and retail customers through a variety of delivery channels. With a vast branches and sub-branches network along with agent banking, remittance services, internet banking, card business and with dedicated human resources the bank has already made a distinct mark in the realm of private commercial banking through boutique service, innovative practices, dynamic problem solving approach and efficient management. Moving forward, the Bank has clear strategy to rationalize the portfolio, managing risks while accelerating the delivery of consistently strong results with special focus on people, planet, islami shariah and profit to embrace sustainability.
আবেদন লিংকঃ