We are looking for a Senior Product Developer at SJ Innovation LLC

Position: Senior Product Developer (MERN Stack)
Company Name: SJ Innovation LLC
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh

We are looking for a Senior Product Developer to help us improve our current product portfolio and develop new ones.
Job Responsibilities:
Ensure strategic technical leadership and continual product and process improvement.
To provide significant contribution to the product design process's end-to-end planning and execution.
Ability to convert wireframes and PSD designs into working web apps utilizing HTML5, React, Node.js, and MongoDB.
UI element binding to JavaScript object models
Architect scalable web infrastructures by creating RESTful services with Node.js
To ensure code quality, you must be able to run unit and integration tests.
Work as part of a cross-functional development team that is committed to continuous improvement and innovation in order to provide a seamless user experience.
You'll utilize knowledge management initiatives to share project learnings and harness expertise from other projects to boost efficiency and effectiveness.
Adapting to change and feature requests via innovating, adapting, and responding.
Create code that works on several platforms and devices.
Willing to learn and implement new technologies in a timely manner as required by the project.
Self-motivated, self-sufficient, and capable of taking initiative without constant direction.
Skills and requirements:
Knowledge of product development and Product Lifecycle Management.
Knowledge of the most recent HTML/CSS standards and best practices is required.
Ready to work in a motivating team atmosphere with a culture of open communication.
Strong understanding of the HTTP protocol and how client-side code is processed.
Working knowledge of front end optimization and performance approaches.
Good awareness of general web design, including basic usability, accessibility, industry standards, architecture, and navigation
Troubleshooting and cross-browser development
Building responsive Websites for Web, Tablet, and Mobile Devices
A keen eye for detail is essential, as is the ability to manage many projects and competing deadlines.
Good English communication skills, both verbal and written.
Experience: Minimum 2 years of experience as MERN stack developer
Salary: 40K - 70K (Based on expertise)
Educational Qualification: Any Computer graduate with 2+ years experience may apply
Fluent in English is must

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