Career Opportunity SSL Wireless

We are looking for a smart, energetic, & experienced Senior Project Coordinator for our project management team.

Job Description:

  • Responsible for customer facing pre/post-sales meetings clients to identify and define requirements, scope and objectives
  • Responsible for planning, monitoring, and appraising project outcomes
  • Prepare project estimation and budget & costing.
  • Directs development teams with precise objectives by studying client requirements
  • Completes projects by coordinating with business resources and maintain timetables with development and technical departments
  • Verifies project outcomes by conducting quality testing of solutions developed by collaborating with Quality Assurance team
  • Recommends strategies, policies, and procedures by evaluating project outcomes
  • Identifying and solving problems in the project; monitoring and evaluating deliveries timeline, manage deviations and anticipate additional requirements of clients
  • Accomplishes project objectives by organizing requirements; preparing project charter, project plan; SRS, WBS, scheduling deliverables; analyzing variances; initiating corrective action
  • Maintains quality service by establishing and enforcing project management standards
  • Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending client meetings; reviewing requirements against objectives; establishing personal relationship with clients; benchmarking standard project management practices; participating in quality testing and delivery process
  • Contributes to the team effort by accomplishing targeted results as needed
  • Ability to solve problems when they appear in projects and help project team members asnecessary
  • Ability to communicate directly with peers, managers, and clients while leading the projects to a completed and successful outcome
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines and doesn’t take working as pressure but enjoys challenges and new opportunities
  • Participate actively on UAT functions & shall provide comprehensive test plan and result of it;
  • Use tools like (JIRA, MS Projects, etc.) to monitor working hours, plans and expenditures
  • Strong organization skills to manage multiple timelines and complete tasks quickly within the constraints of clients’ timelines and budgets

  • Ability to grow professionally in a highly flexible and fast-moving environment
  • Follow any other related activities directed by supervisors

Interested applicants may send their CV to
Subject Line: “Senior Project Coordinator, PMO”
Deadline: Urgent

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