Hiring Assistant Manager-HR & Admin!!!!

Hiring Assistant Manager-HR & Admin!!!!


Office Hours:9:30am-6:30pm

Off days:Friday & Saturday

Salary Range:35-45K (Depending on the interview)

Other Benefits:
Two Eid Bonus
Yearly Performance bonus
Medical Insurance

Job Responsibilities:
· Perform administrative duties, such as maintaining employee database and sorting emails for the HR department
· Maintain proper records of employee attendance and leaves
· Assist HR Manager in policy formulation, hiring and salary administration
· Submit online job postings, shortlist candidates and schedule job interviews
· Coordinate orientation and training sessions for new employees
· Ensure smooth communication with employees and timely resolution to their queries
· Conducting competency based interviews either through VC/Telephone/In-Person interactions.
· Offer Management including Negotiation, Reference Check, Background Verification and Relationship Management.
· Liaison with the HR Operations/Administration/IT to ensure they are kept informed of all new hires and joining dates and respective inputs.
· Recruitment tracker management
· Ensure that all positions within the Region have a well-defined Job Description and is relevant.
· To review and support Team Administration to manage the key deliverables including Procurement, Travel, Conveyance, Communication, Vehicle Hire, Office Lease & Management, Office Notices & Display
· Board, Fire Safety & Compliance, Office Repairs & Maintenance, Office Stores & Inventory, Records
· Vendor management
· Process payroll and resolve any payroll errors.
· Complete termination paperwork and exit interviews.
· Keep up-to-date with the latest HR trends and best practices.

Educational & Other Requirements:
·  Bachelor's degree in human resources or related (essential).
·  PGD in HRM will be preferred.
·  2 years of experience in the relevant filed (essential).
·  Exposure to labor law and employment equity regulations.
·  Effective HR administration and people management skills.
·  Exposure to payroll practices.
·  Full understanding of HR functions and best practices.
·  Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
·  Works well under pressure and meets tight deadlines and a team player.
·  Highly computer literate with capability in email, MS Office, and related business and communication tools.
·  Fantastic organizational and time management skills.
·  Strong decision-making and problem-solving skills.
·  Meticulous attention to detail.
·  Ability to accurately follow instructions.

If you think you are capable to apply for the position, drop your resume and wait for the call for details
Apply here, careerinbnb.bd@gmail.com
Subject Line: Assistant HR Manager

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