Jr. Exe. Store Dept job 2022

Position: Jr. Exe. Store Dept.

No. of Position: 02

Job context: Junior executive for store department for Elevator & Escalator sector.

Educational Qualification: Diploma Engineering (Electrical/Mechanical/Power) from public/private College/Institutes.

Experience: Minimum 01 year in relevant field/s.

Job Requirements/Responsibilities:
• Keeping records of materials and disbursement of them as per instruction.
• Keeping records of sales and restocking the store accordingly.
• Mediating any confrontational campaigns between staff and clients, and de-escalating the situation.
• Ensuring that the store is kept clean and organized.
• Must be punctual and good manners.
• Keep good communication within colleagues.
• Computer literacy.
• Satisfactory communications skill in English.
• Other activities & tasks required by the Manager/Management. 
Age: Up to 28 Years. 
Job location: Dhaka.
Salary: Negotiable.
Compensation & other benefits:
• Travel & food allowance
• Office SIM card 
• Mobile bill
• Performance bonus
• Yearly salary review
• Festive Bonuses 
Others Facilities: As per company rules.

Apply Instruction:
Interested candidates are requested to send their CV & Cover letter with a recent one passport size photograph and other necessary scanned documents (qualification, experience certificates & NID copy) by 15th December 2022 to the email address: hr@horizon-techno.com mentioning the position name in the subject line. For more info please visit www.horizon-techno.com

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