Swap is Hiring........

Swap  is Hiring........ 

 Senior Software Engineer 
We are looking for Mid to Senior Laravel developers to join our engineering team and build functional applications and websites. As a Developer your responsibilities will include coordinating with foreign clients and development team, participating in the entire software development life cycle, debugging applications and configuring existing systems. If you’re equally happy to roll up your sleeves to write code and be a team player, we would like to meet you.
• Write clean code to develop the functionality of the required features
• Developing ideas for new programs, products, or features by monitoring industry developments and trends
• Building reusable code and libraries for future use
• Implementation of security and data protection
• Data migration, transformation, and scripting
• Implementing automated testing platforms and unit tests
• Proficient understanding of GIT, Elastic search, Redis, MySQL,
• Maintaining, Scaling & Developing new applications for Swap.
Jobs Skills required:
• A solid foundation on OOP, Algorithm, Data Structure & PHP with Laravel.
• Strong knowledge of compiling and analyzing data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems and identify areas for improvement
• Teamwork skill with a problem-solving attitude
• Previous experience working in a scrum/agile team is a big plus
Required Experience:
Minimum 3 years of professional experience in Web application development with PHP.
Proven experience with unique, scalable projects.
Additional Skills & Attributes
• Strong communication skills
• Care about end-to-end development
• Ability to work under pressure and manage priorities
Remuneration range:
BDT 50k – 70k (Mid level)
BDT 80k -100k (Senior)
Yearly salary review
Other Benefits:
Bonus 2 times a year
Learning environment
Monthly recreation and other benefits
We need energetic and hardworking members to be part of our ever growing SWAP Family. Suited candidate will be recruited immediately.
Drop your CV/Resume at info@swap.com.bd or parvez@swap.com.bd .
Kindly add Position and Department name in email subject.

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