The Mallis HIRING --- HR & ADMIN Executive

The Mallis HIRING --- HR & ADMIN Executive !!!

No. of Vacancies: 01
You will offer a first-rate service, working closely with employees, Group HR Manager & the Management
team. As the sole HR representative in BD, the primary purpose of this role is to work with management
to implement effective HR processes, including:
● Recruitment and onboarding, e.g. developing JDs, screening candidates, selection process, offer,
orientation and probationary review
● Administration and record keeping, e.g. leave management, pay changes, full and final
settlements, background checks, data recording and reporting, insurances, discipline
● Performance and reward management, e.g. performance appraisals, KPI monitoring, pay
reviews, benefits administration
● Employee relations and engagement, e.g. staff welfare, discipline and grievance, cultural events
● Training and development, e.g. identifying training needs, organising internal and external
training, keeping training records up to date

With experience in all relevant areas from your current/previous role, you will be a highly conscientious
individual. You shall be committed to improving business practices and will effectively deliver in a timely
way, due to your excellent organisational skills.
You are fluent in written and spoken English, educated to at least Bachelor's degree-level, ideally in a
relevant subject, such as Human Resource Management. You will be IT literate, and have a good
understanding of labor laws and HR best practices.
As you will be working with people at all levels of the business, you will be able to give information
clearly, and understand the need for protecting confidential information.

● Bachelor’s degree, ideally in major in HRM
● Excellent written and spoken English
● Minimum 2 years experience
● Full working knowledge of employee life-cycle management
● Excellent references
● Experience working in a standalone HR role
● Experience working in a multinational company
● Master’s degree, ideally in HR
Salary Range:
- Negotiable
Send Your CV To ---
***Email Subject must be - "HR & ADMIN Executive CV"
For more info, please call : +8801977300901, +8801977300902

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