Recruitment Specialist (Manager/Sr. Manager)

Recruitment Specialist (Manager/Sr. Manager)

Job Responsibilities
* Responsible for overall talent acquisition activities of clients across the industry.
 *Managing entry-level to top management-level position’s end-to-end recruitment process, from sourcing candidates to onboarding new hires.
*Developing and implementing recruitment strategies to attract top talent.
* Collaborating with client organization’s hiring managers and other stakeholders to understand their staffing needs and develop hiring plans.
* Understand the job descriptions and position requirements in detail.
* Effectively communicate the requirements and responsibilities of each position with potential candidates.
* Utilize various recruitment channels such as social media, job boards, in-house CV Bank, and employee referrals to source candidates.
* Conducting interviews and assessments to evaluate candidates' skills and experience against position requirements.
* Shortlist panel of candidates to be shared with the client.
* Provide guidance and support to client organizations’ hiring managers on recruitment best practices and interviewing techniques.
* Building and maintaining relationships with candidates and keeping them engaged throughout the recruitment process.
* Engage in salary negotiation with selected candidates (if requested by the client) and proceed with background checks and all other joining formalities for the selected candidates.
* Build a robust industry-wise CV bank to ensure the fastest possible recruitment.
* Analyzing recruitment data and metrics to identify areas for improvement and implement solutions to enhance the recruitment process.

Educational Requirements: BBA & MBA in HRM/Masters with PGD in HRM from a reputed university.

Skills Required: Recruitment/Talend Sourcing.

Experience Requirements: 3 to 5 year(s) of core experience in recruitment

The applicants should have experience in the following area(s):
Talent Acquisition, Recruitment & Selection, Employer Brandin.

Both males and females are allowed to apply

Salary: Negotiable

Compensation & Other Benefits: Life & Health Insurance, Gratuity, Leave Encashment, weekly two-day weekends, mobile allowance, performance-based salary review each year.

Since 2004, E-Zone HRM Ltd. has worked with potential global leaders to help them make better decisions, convert those decisions to actions and deliver the sustainable success they desire. Being a Management Consulting Group, we’ve been passionate about achieving holistic results for our clients— results that are uniquely tailored, pragmatic, and enduring. We have a team of professionals with a wealth of experience in HR and diversified top-level management with national and international exposure.

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