IOS developer for a company based in the USA and the UK

We are hiring a passionate IOS developer for a company based in the USA and the UK. The developer will work remotely from Bangladesh. We are looking for a developer who is willing to learn new things.

Salary: (30K- 40K) Negotiable.

Company Location: 314 S Lemon Ave#5262 Walnut CA, USA.

Employment Status: Full-time (work remotely from home, 6 days in a week)

Job Responsibilities:
• Ensure the performance, quality, and responsiveness of applications
• Collaborate with a team to define, design, and ship new features
• Identify and correct bottlenecks and fix bugs
• Help maintain code quality, organization, and automatization

Required Skills:
• Proficiency with swift and cocoa to develop the application.
• Experience with iOS frameworks such as Core Data, Core Animation, etc.
• Experience with offline storage, threading, and performance tuning.
• Familiarity with RESTful APIs to connect iOS applications to back-end services.
• Understanding of Apple’s design principles and interface guidelines.
• Familiarity with cloud message APIs and push notifications.
• Proficient understanding of code versioning tools [Git - Bitbucket].
• Ability to make custom animation.
• Previous experiences on or have the ability to work on AR kit, chat modules, video, and photo manipulation in the app will be highly appreciated.

Working experience in AWS, Web Socket, and Atlasian [Jira] will be appreciated.

Educational Requirements: Bachelor of Science & Engineering (BSc).

Compensation & other benefits: We will provide stock options to the developer.

Before apply, read this carefully. Write "Application for the post-IOS App Developer" in the subject line. And also write "why are you suitable for this job?" and Email to

Thank You

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