webytor.com Job opportunity

Vacancy- 02 

Job Responsibilities:
1. Execute tests, collect and analyze data and results, identify trends and insights in order to achieve the maximum results.
2. Track, report, and analyze website analytics and PPC initiatives and campaigns.
3. Perform ongoing keyword discovery, expansion, and optimization.
4. Research and implement search engine optimization recommendations
5. Recommend changes to website architecture, content, linking, and other factors to improve SEO positions for target keywords.
6. Identify trends and insights, and to optimize spend and performance based on the insights.
7. Maintain client relationships by looking after current digital marketing services.
8. In-depth experience with website analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics, Net Insight, Omniture, Web Trends).
9. Develop and execute a comprehensive SEO strategy spanning technical and non-technical opportunities that exponentially grow our search visibility.
10. Conducting Database Marketing, email, social media advertising, and advertising campaigns.
11. Provide creative ideas for content marketing and, Create and manage link building strategies, content marketing strategies.
12. Analyzing data with different tools e.g. Socialbakers, Likealyzer, Similarweb, google, Analytics, Facebook audience insights, etc.
13. Social Media platforms marketing, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Ad-Sense, manage digital marketing campaigns, and YouTube marketing.
14. Develop and manage creative digital marketing strategies to build a lasting digital connection with consumers.
15. To stay up-to-date with digital media developments.
Educational Requirement: Graduation in any discipline.
Experience: Experience a minimum of 1 year with proven track record. Freshers are also encouraged to apply.

Advantages (Training/Course/Certification):
1. SEO & Digital Marketing course.
2. Social Media Marketing Course.
3. Facebook Blueprint certification.
4. Google Analytics, AdSense certification.

Salary & other benefits:

As per company policy.

Important Note:
Login to webytor.com and create a free or paid website under any category (eCommerce/business/portfolio). Update as much as information you can, on the website using website admin panel(CMS). Share the URL of the website you have created using webytor.com (Online website builder application) to hello@webytor.com in 7 days from job submission date including submission date, Applicant’s name, and phone number. For any help please call - 01777054690.

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