Bangladesh mulls opening educational institutions from February

Bangladesh mulls opening educational institutions from February

If the situation is favourable, SSC exams may be held in June and HSC in July or August

Education Minister Dipu Moni has said that all educational institutions in the country may open in February next year.

The education minister made the statement at an online press conference on Tuesday afternoon.

Dipu Moni said classes could be held from February to May if the coronavirus situation is under control.

The authorities will try to complete the syllabus in this time frame.

The minister also said that the next Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and equivalent examinations may be held after shortening the syllabus.

She said work is underway to shorten the syllabus. Details will be announced by January 15.

If the situation is favourable, SSC exams of 2021 may be held in June next year and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC ) exams in July or August.

Besides, under the current law there is no provision of announcing results without taking examinations. 

So, a special ordinance has to be issued for declaring the results of HSC exams of 2020. The ordinance is likely to be issued in the first week of January and the result will be announced soon after. 

An eight-member advisory committee is already working in the team to prepare the results based on the previous results of students.

The minister also said, after getting the result if anyone thinks there is any anomaly or that they were supposed to get better results, they can appeal for a recheck.

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